Our Focus: Magnifying Jesus Christ
We are delighted to have the opportunity to introduce you to our church! Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. Whether you are searching for a new church home or are looking for answers to life’s most difficult questions, we would love to have the opportunity to meet you in person.
We are a congregation of sinners saved by grace and are amazed by the mercy and love shown to us by God through his Son. Our desire as a congregation and as individuals is to magnify our Savior, Jesus Christ—in our church, our community and our homes.
In Our Church
Pastor Joe Decker
During our services, you will experience Biblically-based worship focused on magnifying Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We are an independent, fundamental Baptist church and we preach the Word from the Authorized King James Version of the Bible and sing hymns and songs that not only praise our savior but also allow the Holy Spirit to minister to our hearts as we sing. Prayer is an integral part of each service as well.
In addition to traditional worship services and Sunday School classes for all ages, we have regularly scheduled Men’s Prayer Breakfasts, Ladies Meetings and other Christ-centered activities that contribute to church unity.
In Our Community
Believing that service/ministry is an outward expression of our inward connection to God through his Son, we seek to magnify Christ in our community by expressing our faith through action. We each minister every day where we live and work, but our church-sponsored ministries include a food pantry, a Christmas Gift-wrapping Ministry and a Nursing Home Ministry at The Maples Health & Rehabilitation facility. The Nursing Home Ministry meets at The Maples each Sunday afternoon. The residents look forward to the preaching, singing and fellowship each week.
In addition to these outreach ministries in nearby neighborhoods, our church seeks to magnify Christ through evangelistic efforts in our city and the greater communities of our nation and our world. Our members have knocked on many doors in Springfield neighborhoods inviting people to visit our church and to know our Lord. South Campbell Avenue Baptist Church also supports over thirty church planters and missionaries in the United States and sixteen foreign countries. These ministry partners-their works, needs and prayer requests-are emphasized on the third Wednesday night of each month. The annual missions conference is a highlight of our year!
In Our Homes
We aren’t just Christians on Sunday, we’re Christians seven days a week. We seek to magnify Christ every day in our homes by emphasizing the study of God’s Word, prayer and meditation on the Scriptures--in both family and individual devotions.
Time in the Word and an intimate relationship with the Lord are vital to understanding God’s will for our lives and our families. A Christ-centered, Christ-magnifying home has goals founded upon Biblical values and a vision consistent with God’s purpose and plan.
In addition to being warm and friendly, our congregation is very family-oriented. At church, we are all family!