Just as farmers have to plow, plant and water seed if they want to reap a crop, so must we do the same with the Word if we want to reap souls.

Our theme this year was "Working Toward the Harvest".

Our 2016 conference missionaries:
The Carney Family to Hungary; The Rogers and the Matuz Families and Kelly Turnbow to Nicaragua; the Switzer Family to South Africa and the Creekmore Family to Bellevue, WA.

What a blessing it was to get to know these families better and learn how we can partner with them as co-laborers in the field.

LOST in the Jungle!
The theme of our VBS for 2015 was LOST from Luke 15. During the week, the children learned about the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son. They also learned that without Christ, we are all lost and how to be "found".

The puppets were a favorite with the kids!
The puppets were lost, too. They thought they were on a farm in Iowa!

Prize for "Most Visitors"
Allison Hall and Samuel Howell tied for the prize, so two scooters were given away this year!

Boys vs. Girls Offering
Bro. Joe pretending that the boy's bucket is extremely heavy!

Girls win!!!

It's time for slime!
Mr. Caleb and Mrs. Jen agreed to represent the boys and girls in the offering contest. The winner got to slime the loser. Mrs. Jen looks like she's having a REALLY good time!

Green is Mr. Caleb's color!

Yellow looks good, too!